In the Water Now: 7 November Update

Jack is soloing in the water at the BATS site this fall after a very full Winter–Summer Field Campaign from Jan through July. The timeline for glider deployments (Fig. 1) depicts the significant ramp up of activities associated with the Spring Bloom and BIOS-SCOPE...

In the Water Now: 3 July Update

All 3 gliders are back in the water (Figure 1). Anna has been profiling at Hydrostation S (HS) since Feb 20. Minnie (carrying a SUNA sensor) was redeployed at BATS on June 16 following a very successful 3-month Spring Bloom mission, and is again keeping station to...

In the Water Now: 12 June 2017 Update

This week Minnie and Jack are being rotated in and out of the water while Anna continues to hold station at Hydrostation S (HS) (Figure 1). Sea surface temperatures are 24.7ºC at HS and 23.2ºC, about a degree and one half cooler, at BATS. Pronounced deep chlorophyll...